Riot & Crowd Control
Responsive in critical situations, TSU Asset Protection Teams (APT) is the undisputed leader in the field of labour disruption security.
Riot & Crowd Control
Responsive in critical situations
Responsive in critical situations, TSU Asset Protection Teams (APT) is the undisputed leader in the field of labour disruption security. TSU management has many years of experience in security coordination and in RIOT Control throughout South Africa. Gone are the days where normal security guards or close protection officers, not trained in riot control protect your assets and people. APT provides security personnel who are trained to protect people and property during strikes, plant closings, and natural disasters. Discipline and restraint characterizes APT, whose operations pioneered the use of photo and video documentation. Our capabilities include business interruption contingency planning and consulting, security personnel and services, logistics support, and pre-and post-crisis counseling. TSU recruits security personnel exclusively from law enforcement and military backgrounds.
Agents Professionally Trained
TSU APT agents are carefully recruited, selected, and trained in a variety of safety and security techniques, including counter surveillance and surveillance and defensive/offensive driving. Agents are also trained in first aid and are in constant contact with our 24-hour Communication Centre for security alerts and the deployment of additional support.
A Well-Established Brand
TSU is already a very well-established brand to many people in the corporate and mining industry in South Africa. TSU is a professional firm that, amongst other aspects, handles the protection of dignitaries and the protection of high-profile personalities. We employ highly-trained specialists and will provide the “on the ground” manpower to protect your assets and people. Training for APT includes instruction in National Labour Relations regulations, unfair labour practices, fire prevention, first aid, and physical fitness.